The German „Serengeti“ – large-scale grazing with Heck-cattle in Thuringia


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Supporting High Nature Value Farming in Europe

22nd-24th October 2015

EFNCP Conference in Ireland

©photo BurrenLife

Many of Europe's finest landscapes and best biodiversity is found in areas where there has been a long tradition of extensive livestock grazing or 'pastoral' farming. The decline or demise of many of these farming systems in recent years poses a serious threat to many of these landscapes and the communities within them. So what do these 'high nature value' (HNV) farmed landscapes look like, where are they, what needs to be done to sustain them and the farming communities that are so integral to their future?

EFNCP Conference in Ireland

©photo Davy McCracken

Set in one of Ireland's greatest 'HNV' landscapes, the Burren, this conference heard from farmers from diverse landscapes across Europe which form part our wonderfully rich tapestry of HNV farmland. The conference also heard from a range of speakers on how such farmers can be supported - through better policy, research, funding, innovation, empowerment and networking. Conference delegates met fellow HNV enthusiasts from across Europe while taking part in Ireland's premier HNV event - the Burren Winterage weekend, including the annual 'transhumance' cattle drove, a local food fayre, open farm visits and other events.


Stories from the land: Three presentations co-hosted by farmers and researchers working in three diverse HNV farming landscape across Europe.

EFNCP Conference in Ireland

©photo Davy McCracken

Supporting HNV farming: Three presentations on different aspects of HNV which need to be addressed to strengthen support for HNVF in Europe.

EFNCP Conference in Ireland

©photo Davy McCracken

More stories from the land: Three presentations from farmers and researchers working in three diverse HNV farming landscapes across Europe.

EFNCP Conference in Ireland

©photo Davy McCracken

Supporting HNV farmers at local, national and EU levels.

The conference was part-funded by the European Commission (DG Environment).

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European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Date: 2025/01/25
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