The German „Serengeti“ – large-scale grazing with Heck-cattle in Thuringia


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International Workshop: Large-scale extensive grazing systems in Europe: advancing knowledge to improve policy

At the International Academy for Nature Conservation - Isle of Vilm, Germany; 20th – 24th September 2010

Organised by

Isle of Vilm
  • International Academy for Nature Conservation of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Vilm)
  • Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
  • University of Rottenburg (HFR)
  • European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP)

The intention of this 3-day workshop was to improve the state of knowledge on European High Nature Value pastoral systems from various perspectives. The speakers and participants were a mix of ‘knowledge builders’ – people working on the ecology, sociology and economics of HNV systems – and ‘knowledge users’ – administrators who convert facts into policy and NGOs who try to influence them.

In four sessions the following topics were introduced with invited lectures from various European regions. The workshop was accompanied by a full day field trip to visit large-scale extensive farming systems in the area.

  • The ecological complexity of European pastoral systems: what does this mean for achieving EU biodiversity goals, including Natura 2000?
  • The social context of European pastoral systems: what features are central and how can social change embrace them?
  • The key importance of identifying and monitoring HNV farming systems – how can best practice overcome the technical issues?
  • What guidelines can be drawn up for European agricultural policy following 2010 which take into account the needs of HNV pastoral systems?


Why this seminar? Domestic issues, getting to know each other
Norbert Wiersbinski, Peter Finck/Manfred Klein, Rainer Luick, Guy Beaufoy


Session 1: Ecological and historical complexity in landscapes and ecosystems formed by pastoralism in Europe

Introduction and overview
Rainer Luick

Pastoral agricultural systems –past management as a factor in producing nature and landscape value
Jorgen Wissman, Sweden

Microstructures and carrion as key factors for biodiversity in pastoral ecosystems
Krawczynski, René, Germany

From gaelic pastoral systems to CAP supported extensive livestock production . socio-economic factors at the western fringes of Europe
James Moran, Ireland

Evening programme: Presentation, results & discussion of research & practical projects on large-scale grazing systems in Germany
Margret Bunzel Drüke, Edgar Reisinger, Florian Wagner

Session 2: Socio-economic context of HNV farming systems

Economics of extensive grazing systems in HNV farming case studies from France
Soizic Jean-Baptiste, Blandine Ramain, EFNCP France

History, presence and future of the traditional pasturing system of Lonjsko Polje Nature Park
Goran Gugic, Croatia

Trends in shepherding systems and what it means for biodiversity in the Kotel Mountains in Bulgaria
Nadya Vangelova, Bulgaria

From shepherd's cottage to mountain restaurant: Touristic uses in Austrian Alpine farming areas
Andreas Muhar, Austria

Session 3: Identification and monitoring of HNV farmland and of grazing systems

The HNV farmland indicator – current situation and future prospects
Zélie Peppiette, DG Agri

The high nature value farmland concept – indicators and monitoring: what is it really for?
Guy Beaufoy, EFNCP

Estonia – wider issues of HNV farmland identification: is it counted as farmland at all on national data bases?
Iiri Selge and Tambet Kikas, Estonia

Work to date on HNV farmland indicators in Scotland
Gwyn Jones, EFNCP

Project to identify HNV farmland areas in Spain
Georgina Alvarez MARM / Beatriz Arroyo IREC

Example from Spain – the Navarra approach to implementing the HNV indicator
Carlos Astrain, GAVR Navarra

The implementation of the HNV baseline indicator into practice – lessons from the German approach
Daniel Fuchs PAN

Update on HNV farming research and development at EEA.
Karina Makarewicz EEA

Modelling biodiversity friendly practices through an economic model: possibilities, constraints and missing data
Marie Luisa Paracchini, JRC, Italy

High nature farmland indicator for the Netherlands
Berien Elbersen, ALTERRA, Netherlands

Session 4: Conclusions from the seminar – recommendations for policy and research

Parallel workshops to draw lessons from the seminar: what do we know already, and can integrate into policy? And what needs more research?

Ecological aspects, Socio-economic aspects, Conclusions and wrapping up

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European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Date: 2025/01/25
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