HNV Farmland in Maramures (Romania)


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Projects of the European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism

Projects 2010


Agricultural practices in HNV farmland – impacts on biodiversity

Duration: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2010
Partner: -
Funding: Ministère de l’écologie, de l’énergie et du développement rural et de la mer, France
DG Env Life+ NGO work prog.
  • detailed case studies in 3 contrasting regions of France
  • awareness raising conference at the policy/research interface in Paris


Recognising environmental services of semi-natural grasslands in policy: conference

Duration: 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2010
Partner: Fundatia Adept, Romania
Funding: DG Env Life+ NGO work prog.
Fundatia Adept, Romania
  • Organise major international conference
  • Carry out and present preparatory case study on social, economic and environmental state of semi-natural pastures and the agricultural systems that maintain them
  • Impact on 2010 CAP reform discussions as regards recognising and paying for public goods
  • Raise awareness of importance of local action in the delivery of policy


State of Common Grazing in Scotland

Duration: 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2010
Partner: -
Funding: DG Env Life+ NGO work prog.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise, UK
Scottish Natural Heritage, UK
Shetland Islands Council, UK
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, UK
Highland Council, UK
  • Provide an up-to-date account of the size and location of common grazings in Scotland and their overlap with issues of public concern such as designated areas and carbon stores
  • Provide a snapshot of current use for agriculture and to claim CAP payments through use of official statistics and questionnaire surveys
  • Arrive at interim policy conclusions; consult with farmers in discussion groups; formulate forward strategy for common grazings in time to respond to CAP discussions of 2010


HNV farmland case study, Devon

Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2010
Partner: -
Funding: DG Env Life+ NGO work prog.
Devon County Council, UK
Devon Wildlife Trust, UK
  • Identify and characterise HNV farmland and farming systems within 3 case study areas
  • Assess socio-economic situation of these systems and carry out needs assessment
  • Arrive at policy conclusions, and describe both their type and scale
  • Feed into policy discussions leading up to 2014 and to the development of CMEF indicators
Web: Project details


HNV farmland case studies, Carmarthenshire & Wye Valley

Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2010
Partner: -
Funding: DG Env Life+ NGO work prog.
Countryside Council for Wales, UK
Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, UK
  • Identify and characterise HNV farmland and farming systems within 3 case study areas
  • Assess socio-economic situation of these systems and carry out needs assessment
  • Arrive at policy conclusions, and describe both their type and scale
  • Feed into policy discussions leading up to 2014 and to CMEF indicator development
Web: -


HNV farmland as a future strength for Irish uplands

Duration: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2010
Partner: -
Funding: DG Env Life+ NGO work prog.
Heritage Council, Ireland
  • to co-ordinate and build on the work of a range of disparate projects looking, broadly, at aspects of the future of the uplands (including the Burren Life+ project, HNV farmland pilot in Connemara and the Aran Islands, socio-economic research in Kerry and in the uplands of Sligo/Leitrim and south Leinster)
  • to develop a synthesised ‘next step’ proposal using the HNV farmland concept as both an organising tool and a central environmental service around whose delivery farming support can focus


Seminar on the protection of semi-natural grasslands

Duration: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2010
Partner: -
Funding: DG Env Life+ NGO work prog.
  • to reflect on the coherence and effectiveness of a range of permanent grassland protection measures (cross-compliance; EIA Directive; Renewable Energy Directive) and especially as they relate to semi-natural grasslands
  • to gather information from a representative selection of EU states on the method and effectiveness of implementation of the various measures
  • to present this evidence and proposals for better integration, at a workshop for stakeholders in Brussels


Exchange visits for local HNV farmland actors

Duration: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2010
Partner: -
Funding: DG Env Life+ NGO work prog.
Fundatia Adept, Romania
Foundation for Common Land, UK
  • in the case of UK/Ireland – Spain: capacity building in common land CSOs in the UK and Ireland through visiting common land areas, actors and projects in the Cantabria, Asturias and Castilla y León regions of Spain
  • in the case of Romania – Spain: capacity building in farmers and a local rural development/environmental CSO in the Târnava Mare region through visiting projects in Navarra and Asturias relating to the support of shepherded systems and the management of designated areas by farming


Pasture landscapes and nature conservation

Duration: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2010
Partner: -
Funding: University of Rottenburg, Germany
  • to hold and report on an international workshop to investigate at a range of technical issues concerning pastoral systems and High Nature Value farmland (the nature of the ecological interactions and their relationship with management practices; socio-economic status and change in relevant agricultural systems and the possible effects on biodiversity values; technicalities of monitoring and evaluation under the CMEF)
Web: International Workshop


Support to HNV identification in Navarra

Duration: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2010
Partner: -
Funding: Gestion Ambiental - Viveros y Repoblaciones de Navarra S.A., Spain
  • Guiding the official HNV farmland identification and characterisation exercise in Navarra


Assessing the impact of the regionalised SFP implementation model on common land

Duration: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2010
Partner: -
Funding: DG Env Life+ NGO work prog.
  • to use data collected in England and Northern Ireland, which have a partially regionalised implementation of the Single Farm Payment to investigate the possible effects on common land systems of full implementation both in the UK and the rest of the EU
  • to use data collected in Scotland, Wales and Ireland to reflect further on this question through gathering data on unclaimed forage on common grazings
Web: Project details
Poster: Common grazings ...

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European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Date: 2025/01/25
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