HNV Farmland in Maramures (Romania)


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Sibiu (Romania)

High Nature Value farmland: Case study report

Sibiu (Romania)

Sibiu is a county of 5,432 km² situated in the south of Transylvania. With its diverse landscapes ranging from lowlands and hills to the crest of the southern Carpathians, the whole of the county is considered a Less Favoured Area (LFA).

The county’s farmland is mostly of High Nature Value, with over 99% of output deriving from over 16000 traditional small farming households. Both Type 1 and Type 2 HNV farmland is present. Communal pastures at various altitudes make up a large proportion of the former, while the latter is present on much of the lower land. Large areas of both upland and lowland are designated under the Natura 2000.

The workshop focussed particularly on the problems faced by small farmers in relation to the implementation by Romania of EU dairy hygiene regulations.

Some key messages:

  • EU hygiene rules may not be perfect, but they do not apply to small-scale primary producers and contain provisions allowing exemptions in the case of traditional production methods which nevertheless safeguard public health. Full use should be made of these by Member States.
  • Implementing new rules affecting traditional and small-scale producers requires an effective awareness campaign which is both sensitive to the fears of producers and allays them wherever possible
  • Having used all the exemptions and derogations available, adaptation to the EU rules nevertheless implies huge capital investment. Full and imaginative use of rural development and other funds is essential to safeguard the economic logic of farming systems which so important for the maintenance of HNV farmland


Workshop agenda

Workshop presentations

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European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Date: 2025/01/25
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