Books, reports and scientific papers
Žiga Malek, Katharina Schulze, Hedwig Bartl, Wim Keja, Jan-Erik Petersen, Koen Tieskens, Gwyn Jones & Peter H. Verburg (2024): Mapping livestock grazing in semi-natural areas in the European Union and United Kingdom. Landscape Ecology, Volume 39, article no. 31. Springer, 26 pages.
Associated data:
Gwyn Jones & Simon Spencer (2023): Opportunities and challenges in implementing a results-based payments package – a scoping study on three Powys commons
Gwyn Jones (2022): Integrating grazing into fire risk management strategies – an initial review of past and current practice in France, Spain and California
Gwyn Jones & Helen Barnes (2022): Developing a results-based approach to supporting the management of Fairwood common.
Gwyn Jones & Helen Barnes (2022): Budgeting for the results-based payments proposal: a trial and full roll-out.
Gwyn Jones, Helen Barnes, Catherine Hughes, Joe Daggett, Tony Little & Nigel Ajax-Lewis (2021) Developing results-based approaches to supporting the management of common land in Wales – vol. 1: main report | vol. 2: commons fiches | plant cribsheet
Robyn Stewart & Gwyn Jones (2020) Developing results-based approaches to supporting the management of common grazings – final report, volume 1 | final report, part 2: annexes
Jones, G. (ed.) (2020) The innovations and lessons of EIP-Agri projects in Ireland - A compendium to inform the next RDP as set out by the projects themselves
Jones, G (2020) Reflections on the innovations and lessons from EIP-Agri projects in Ireland
Gwyn Jones, James Moran & Mark Robins (2019) European Innovation Partnerships - Agriculture (EIP-AGRI) in Ireland 2014-20 – lessons and recommendations for policy post-2020
Schoof, N., Luick, R., Beaufoy, G., Jones, G., Einarsson, P., Ruiz, J., Stefanova, V., Fuchs, D., Windmaißer, T., Hötker, H., Jeromin, H., Nickel, H. & Ukhanova, M. (2019) Grünlandschutz in Deutschland – Treiber der Biodiversität, Einfluss von Agrar-Umwelt und Klimamaßnahmen, Ordnungsrecht, Molkereiwirtschaft und Auswirkungen der Klima- und Energiepolitik. BfN-Skript 539: 257 S.
Brackenbury, S & Jones, G (2018) Gower Commons - Successional Health Check
Brackenbury, S & Jones, G (2018) Pembrokeshire Commons - Successional Health Check
Jones, G (2018) Support for Crofting – A report prepared for the Crofting Commission.
Full Report, 4.372 KB
Executive Summary, 599 KB
Marc Moraine, Sarah Lumbroso, Xavier Poux (2016)A comprehensive outlook on the diversity of Agroecological initiatives in Europe
Xavier POUX, Sarah LUMBROSO, Pierre-Marie AUBERT, Sébastien TREYER (2016)Transition scenariosto agroecology in Europe: relevance and challenges of a fundamental contribution to the EU debate on agricultureand environment
Brackenbury, S & Jones, G (2016) State of Commoning in Wales. Version 2 - July 2016
Brackenbury, S & Jones, G (2015) State of Commoning in Wales. Version 1 - December 2015
Country reports on the implementation of the new CAP and its possible effects on permanent pastures (2015):
Gallagher, C; Jones, G & Tubridy, M (2015) Proposal for a Locally-led, Results-Based Agri-environment Payment Scheme (RBAPS) for the Blackstairs Mountains
Herrera Calvo, P M (2015) El uso pastoral como alternativa de gestión de los hábitats vinculados a los rebollares ibéricos del Sistema Central
Mustonen, T & Jones, G (2015) Reindeer herding in Finland
Tubridy, M & Gallagher, C (2015) Developing a case for a Locally Led Agri-Environment Scheme for the Blackstairs
Tubridy, M; Iremonger, S; Hickey, B & O’Hanrahan, B (2015) Blackstairs Habitat Mapping and Biodiversity Audit 2015
Monaghan, F; Martyn, M; Boyle, P; Moran, J & Jones, G (2014) Commonage Case Studies 2014: informing the development of Commonage Management Plans under Ireland’s RDP 2014-2020 (Report)
Elbersen, B.; Beaufoy, G., Jones, G., Noij, G-J., Doorn, A., Breman, B. & Hazeu, G. (2014). Aspects of data on diverse relationships between agriculture and the environment. (Report, Annex)
Jones, G. High Nature Value farming in the Northern Upland Chain
Keenleyside, C; Beaufoy, G; Tucker, G & Jones, G. High Nature Value farming throughout EU-27 and its financial support under the CAP. Report to DG Environment.
Beaufoy, G & Poux, X. Supporting HNV extensive livestock systems in Mountain and Mediterranean areas – The need for an adapted European Policy. Options Méditerranéennes, A, no. 109, 2014, 19-29
Jones, G; Silcock, P; Brunyee, J & Pring, J. North Pennines AONB High Nature Value Farming Research
Short, C & Waldon, J The Apportionment of Agri-Environment Schemes Monies on Common Land in England
Babai, D & Molnár, Z. Monitoring semi-natural grasslands in Gyimes, Romania
Beaufoy, G & Jones, G. HNV farming in England and Wales – findings from three local projects
Collins, S and Beaufoy, G. Improving the targeting, monitoring and management of semi-natural grasslands across Europe – essential steps to achieving EU Biodiversity Strategy targets on farmland. Annex 1 – Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Romania case studies. Annex 2 – Turkey, Italy, Greece, Hungary case studies.
Csergő, A M & Demeter, L. Ecosystem services of mown, grazed and abandoned grasslands in the Csík Mountains, Eastern Carpathian Mountains, Romania
Csergő, A M & Demeter, L. Relationship of biodiversity to productivity in mowed and abandoned hay meadows of Ciucului Mountains - Preliminary results
Gravey, V & Lumbroso, S. International negotiations: to what extent do they hinder or foster biodiversity integration into the CAP?
IT Sligo & EFNCP. Capacity Building for Irish Commonages: A report on Leonardo Da Vinci VETPRO Mobility to the UK
Jones, G. An attempt at an ex post evaluation of agri-environment support for crofting in the 2007-13 SRDP
Jones, G. Supporting common grazing through agri-environment – lessons from an ex post evaluation
Loos, J & Kirkland, P. Butterfly monitoring Romania: A report on a workshop held in Sighisoara 16-18 November 2012
Oppermann, R., Beaufoy, G. and Jones, G. (eds)(2012): High Nature Value Farming in Europe – 35 European countries - experiences and perspectives, 544 pages.
INGE PAULINI, MARIUS BĂRBOS, DAN BORȘAN, ANDREI CRIȘAN, ADRIAN HEDEȘIU, GWYN JONES, VASILE RUS, WOLFGANG SCHUMACHER, EMILIA STOIANOV (2012): Data on the mowing of traditional hay meadows in the SCI “Eastern Hills of Cluj” (Transylvania, Romania)(Report)
Sólyom, A; Knowles, B; Bogdán, J; Rodics, G; Biró, R & Nyírő, G. Small scale farming in the Pogány-havas Region of Transylvania. Summary report.
Van Swaay, C & Warren, M. Developing butterflies as indicators in Europe: current situation and future options
Van Swaay, C; Brereton, T; Kirkland, P & Warren, M. Manual pentru monitorizarea fluturilor.
Van Swaay, C; Brereton, T; Kirkland, P & Warren, M. Manual for Butterfly Monitoring
Van Swaay, C; Brereton, T; Kirkland, P & Warren, M. Manual Para el Seguimiento de Mariposas.
Beaufoy, G; Jones, G; Kazakova, Y; McGurn, P; Poux, X. & Stefanova, V. Permanent Pastures and Meadows under the CAP: the situation in 6 countries
Csergő, A M & Demeter, L. Plant species diversity and traditional management in Eastern Carpathian grasslands
Cumulus Consultants. Grazing and Grasslands in the Wye Valley AONB: a review of existing projects and opportunities for a Local Partnership Project
Cumulus Consultants. High Nature Value farmland in Rural Development policy: South Devon Case Study
Cumulus Consultants. High Nature Value farmland in Rural Development policy: Dartmoor Case Study
Cumulus Consultants. High Nature Value farmland in Rural Development policy: Culm Grasslands Case Study
Cumulus Consultants. High Nature Value farmland in Rural Development policy: Blackdown Hills Case Study
Demeter, L & Kelemen, A. Quantifying the abandonment of mountain hay meadows in the Eastern Carpathians
Jones, G. (2011): Trends in Common Grazing – first steps towards an integrated needs-based strategy. – EFNCP Report, Elishadder, 67 pages.
Kazakova, Y & Stefanova, V. High Nature Value Farming in South-Eastern Europe: Policy Opportunities and Challenges in the EU Accession
Sérès, C; Ramain, B & Poux, X. Caractérisation de l’agriculture à HVN du Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors. Enseignements méthodologiques.
Short, C; Gaskell, P; Humphries, A; Waldon, J & Aglionby, J. Assessment of the impacts of an area-based payment implemented within the Single Farm Payment Scheme on active graziers of common land in England
Tyler, J. Abergwesyn Commons Visit to North Spain with the National Trust EFNCP
Fundaţia Adept & Pogány-havas. HNV areas, extensive farming and pastoralism. Report on a study tour to Spain.
Jones, G; Browne, C; Carmichael, R & Sazer, D. High Nature Value Farmland in Wales: East Carmarthenshire Case Study Report
Picardo, Á.: Natural Resource Management and Common Land: Examining the Plan-42 project in Northern Spain
Paulini,I., Bărbos, M., Crişan, A., Jitea, I.M., Mihai, V., Moldovan, A., Negoiţă, R., Poledna, R., Rákosy, L., Troc, M., Schumacher, W. (2011) Grassland conservation through CAP instruments - A Transylvanian case study. 2010 and 2011 summary report of the Mozaic Project
Kazakova, Y. & V. Stefanova (2010): [High Nature Value Farming in the Western Balkans: Current Status and Key Challenges – a Scoping Document.] – Brochure produced by the EFNCP, Macedonian version, Sofia, 34 pages.
Kazakova, Y. & V. Stefanova (2010): Bujqësia me Vlera të Larta Natyrore në Ballkanin Perëndimor: Statusi aktual dhe Sfidat kryesore-Dokument qëllimor. – Brochure produced by the EFNCP, Albanian version, Sofia, 34 pages.
Kazakova, Y. & V. Stefanova (2010): High Nature Value Farming in the Western Balkans: Current Status and Key Challenges – a Scoping Document. – Brochure produced by the EFNCP, English version, Sofia, 34 pages.
Kazakova, Y. & V. Stefanova (2010): Poljoprivredna proizvodnja visoke prirodne vrednosti na Zapadnom Balkanu: Trenutni status i kljucni izazovi – Okvirni dokument. – Brochure produced by the EFNCP, Serbian version, Sofia, 34 pages.
King, M. An Investigation into Policies Affecting Europe’s Semi-Natural Grasslands
Kramm, N.; Anderson, R.; O’Rourke, E.; Emmerson, M.; O’Halloran, J. & Chisholm, N. Farming the Iveragh Uplands: A tale of humans and nature
Lewis, V Report on the capacity building visit on common land issues from the UK and Ireland to Spain
McGurn, P. Draft High Nature Value Programme for the Aran Islands based on the Burren Farming and Conservation Programme
McGurn, P. High Nature Value Farmlands Case Study Report: Iveragh Peninsula, South Kerry
Stefanova, V & Kazakova, Y. Overview of Common Grazing in Bulgaria
Yoldi, U.I., Massa, C.A. & G. Beaufoy (2010): Sistemas Agrarios y Forestales de Alto Valor Natural en Navarra – Identificación y monitorización. – Report by Gestión Ambiental, Viveros y Repoblaciones de Navarra (S.A.) and EFNCP, 110 pages.