La Cañada – 1998
No. 10: Winter 1998/1999

- Agreement on Agenda 2000 in sight
- The proposed Rural Development Regulation - a view from Spain
- Effects of Agenda 2000 on milk and beef production in Finland
- EU enlargement and rural policies in Central and Eastern Europe
- A central European contribution to a pan-European conservation strategy
- Sustainable agriculture in the Baltic Sea region - focusing on EU enlargement
- Evaluation of agri-environmental programmes: European Commission Report STAR working document VI/7655/98
- Announcements and Noticeboard
- Managing high-nature-value farmland: policies, processes and practices
Download: La Cañada No. 10: Winter 1998/1999
No. 9: Summer 1998
- A foundation for the future: an impression of the 6th Forum, Luhacovice, 6 - 10 June 1998
- The EU Structural Funds 2000 - 2006: conserving nature, creating jobs
- Scottish group visits the Basque country
- Capital investments in central and eastern Europe - bad for biodiversity?
- Announcements and Noticeboard
- Making sure your copy of La Cañada arrives
- Sixty goats but no husband - a look at small farming in Norway
- Land use in the Azores - Europe's forgotten outpost
- Integrated farming and conservation interests in the Chilterns, England
- Forum contributes to the European Commission's agricultural policy consultative committees
- Large-scale grazing systems and species protection in the Eastern Carpathians of Ukraine