La Cañada – 2001
No. 15: Winter 2001/2002

- Le 8ème Forum: Causses méridionaux du Gard et de l'Hérault – Montpellier, France, Fin septembre – début octobre 2002.
- PASTORAL: the extent and characteristics of European extensive livestock systems.
- Noticeboard.
- Ecological consequences of pastoral practices in the Crau.
- Problems of free-ranging livestock systems in Romania.
- Sheep premium settlement.
- EU publishes strategy for integrating CEEC states.
- Maintaining traditional extensive land-use systems – is it actually possible? One experience from the Alentejo montados.
Download: La Cañada No. 15: Winter 2001/2002
No. 14: Summer 2001
- Opportunities to change the direction of EU agriculture?
- Brussels seminar, January 2001. A review of the environmental implications of the EU sheep- and goat-meat sector.
- The sheep-meat & goat-meat regime seminar – a personal view.
- Noticeboard.
- Proposals for reforming support to Castillian cereal-sheep systems.
- Fritillaries, forestry and bracken.
- Commission's proposals on subsidies for small producers – an optional small farmers' scheme.
- Elpen: A new policy analysis tool for the European livestock sector.
- Changing landscapes in the Causses.