La Cañada – 2004
No. 18: Spring/Summer 2004

- EDITORIAL Decoupling, yes; retargeting, maybe – Franz Fischler's uncertain legacy.
- EFNCP Brussels seminars and DG Agriculture's information actions.
- The impact of decoupled payments on High Nature Value farming systems.
- A background to decoupling.
- Decoupling in the MTR of the CAP: a French perspective.
- Ireland: the likely effects of full decoupling.
- The impact of the CAP Mid Term Review proposals on the Highlands of Scotland.
- Summary of decoupled payments in Switzerland.
- Possible implications of the latest CAP reforms for HNV olive groves.
- Impact of decoupled payments on the extensive dryland cereal farming areas in Portugal.
- The impact of accession on High Nature Value cattle systems in Central and Eastern European Countries: A summary of some points arising from the seminar held ion 3rd March 2004.
- National grassland mapping projects in Central and Eastern European Countries.
- The impact of cattle and sheep grazing on grasslands in protected landscape areas of the Czech Republic.
- The agricultural policy situation in Poland just prior to EU accession.
- Cattle breeding in southern Poland and recent changes in Polish agriculture.
- Cattle farming systems in the Biebrza wetlands: can we save grazing-dependent waders?
- Beef-cattle breeding and grazing activities on agricultural habitats with high conservation value in Estonia.
- The gaps and challenges for integrating the agri-environmental policies for HNV in the candidate countries.
- An insecure future for transhumance in Romania.
- Noticeboard.
Download: La Cañada No. 18: Spring/Summer 2004