A new alliance in support of pastoralism in Spain

The Spanish Platform for Extensive Livestock Systems and Pastoralism is a network of over 200 people and organisations committed to supporting this farming activity. Through this Plataforma, which combines biannual meetings and online communication tools, livestock farmers, conservationists, researchers, government officers, farm advisors and many other third-sector actors and stakeholders can now exchange information and collaborate more closely.
Pastoralism is deeply rooted in Spanish culture and history, and it continues to provide numerous benefits in economic, ecologic, social or cultural terms. Nevertheless, it was perceived that farmers unions, native livestock breed associations and the environmental sector itself were working in isolation from each other and not giving enough attention to this farming activity. To contribute to filling in this gap in Spain, the Plataforma was created in late 2013 with generous support from Entretantos, a non-profit member organisation of EFNCP, which undertook the secretariat role and continues to facilitate the activities of this network.
As the vision and objectives of the Plataforma are shared by EFNCP, our staff and Spanish members are naturally participating in the online debates and meetings of this network. Further, we are collaborating with the Plataforma to produce a report on the “Eligibility of wooded pastures for CAP direct payments”, an issue that is currently putting further pressure on extensive livestock systems. As part of our work programme for 2015, the EFNCP has planned to provide some funds from the Life-NGO operating grant to sustain the activities of the Plataforma and organise an event with other Mediterranean partners this autumn.
For more information, you may visit Plataforma’s website (in Spanish), check this poster (in English) or follow them on facebook and twitter.

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