- Gwyn Jones & Helen Barnes (2022): Developing a results-based approach to supporting the management of Fairwood common.
- Gwyn Jones & Helen Barnes (2022): Budgeting for the results-based payments proposal: a trial and full roll-out.
- Gwyn Jones et al. (2021): Developing results-based approaches to supporting the management of common land in Wales – vol. 1: main report | vol. 2: commons fiches | plant cribsheet
- Robyn Stewart & Gwyn Jones (2020): Developing results-based approaches to supporting the management of common grazingsfinal report, volume 1 | final report, part 2: annexes
- European Innovation Partnerships - Agriculture (EIP-AGRI) in Ireland 2014-20 – lessons and recommendations for policy post-2020
- La Cañada – No. 31: Winter 2019
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Book & Newsletter
- Workshop on Livestock and Biodiversity in Europe – Nature as a solution in Grazing Systems? – Copenhagen on the 22-23 August 2022
- Workshops and study tour on nature conservation and livestock grazing in Europe – Workshop, 13 & 14 August 2022, Eggebek, Germany
- How do you reward farmers and land managers for delivery of public benefits? - A workshop to help co-design a scheme for Dartmoor that could be tested as part of Defra’s work on a new Environmental Land Management Scheme.
Workshop, 15 February 2019, Parke, Bovey Tracey, UK - How do you reward farmers and land managers for delivery of public benefits? - A workshop to help co-design a scheme for Dartmoor that could be tested as part of Defra’s work on a new Environmental Land Management Scheme.
Workshop, 15 February 2019, Parke, Bovey Tracey, UK - Reflecting ecology in policy. EFNCP workshop at EDGG Conference.
- Locally led agri-environment schemes - from a farmer’s perspective.
Workshop, 13-14 March 2017 - Reflecting ecology in policy. EFNCP workshop at EDGG Conference.
- Management of extensive grasslands in mountain areas. EFNCP participation in Conference.
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From the Forum
Commonage case studies to inform debate on Ireland RDP 2014-20 proposals Commonage is a major component of the farm area of many farms in upland areas of Ireland
- An attempt at an ex post evaluation of agrienvironment support for crofting in the 2007-13 SRDP
- Supporting common grazing through agri-environment - lessons from an ex post evaluation ...
- New report: High Nature Value Farming in South-Eastern Europe - Policy Opportunities and Challenges ...
- Support the farmers who maintain Europe’s pastoral landscapes - change the CAP ...
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