Supporting High Nature Value Farming in the Irish Uplands
Open Forum Discussion at Uplands Community Partnership Conference
Dungarvan 29th May 2014 15:00
Traditional extensive farming practices have sustained upland communities and maintained the upland landscape for generations. However, these extensive farming practices are increasingly under threat from changes in farm practice and land abandonment. The uplands of Ireland have been identified among the high nature value farmland areas of Europe and EU member states have pledged to maintain and support high nature value farming in these areas. EFNCP and IT Sligo organised a workshop to discuss how measures included in Ireland's draft RDP can support HNV farming in the Irish Uplands.
Key questions addressed during the discussion were:
- How proposed agri-environment measures (GLAS, GLAS+ and Locally Targetted Output-Related Agri-environment schemes) will work in a HNV upland setting?
- How do we ensure that commonage farmers (majority of farmers in Upland areas) are not disadvantaged?
- Can practical delivery mechanism be developed for commonages?
Presentations were given by a number of speakers:
- James Moran, IT Sligo: Introduction to the workshop
- Andy Bleasdale, NPWS: Challenges and opportunities
- Michael Martyn, commonage planning expert: Reflections on practical issues 1
- Fergal Monaghan, commonage planning expert: Reflections on practical issues 2
- Gwyn Jones, EFNCP: Lessons from the UK
- Martin Gavin, Mayo farmer: Farmer perspective from Galway and Mayo
Notes from the meeting will be available on request from