Seminar in European Parliament – a new departure for EFNCP
European Parliament, Brussels (Jozsef Antall building Room 6Q1)

On 28th June, EFNCP joined up with Pogány-havas Association (Romania) and Birdlife International to hold a seminar in the European Parliament on HNV farming and the CAP. The event was hosted and generously supported by the Romanian MEP Sógor Csaba (European People’s Party), who also chaired the event with great enthusiasm.
Co-hosting the seminar were George Lyon (Scotland) from the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe and Iratxe García Perez (Spain) from the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Liberals for Europe.
The aim of the seminar was to raise awareness amongst MEPs about HNV farming, its values and challenges, and how a reformed CAP can and should help to support this type of farming. A brochure was presented with four examples of HNV farming - from Romania, Scotland, Spain and Poland - and brief policy recommendations.
The room was packed and there were many questions from the floor, and we felt the event was a success overall. It was also a fine example of co-operation between different NGOs and political parties.
The examples presented in the meeting are also the focus of a brochure written by the NGOs to accompany the event and published by Birdlife, with part-funding from EFNCP through its DG Environment 2010 work programme. The brochure includes further examples, from Poland and Spain, not presented at the seminar.
Brochure written by the NGOs (2.759 KB)
- The CAP and HNV farming - policy conclusions. Guy Beaufoy
- Romania: Why and how CAP should support HNV farming in Transylvania? László Demeter, dr Barbara Knowles, Gergely Rodics
- The importance of High Nature Value Farming – Views from Romania. Barna Tánczos
Download mp3-file of the event
- Recording of the seminar (.mp3, 23.459 KB)
More information

(photos: © Catherine Juckler)