HNV farming : initiating the debate in France
Paris, France; October 7th - October 8th 2009
In October 2009, the European Forum for Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP) organised in co-operation with AScA with the support of the French Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment a conference on High Nature Value (HNV) farming in France.
This conference aimed at raising awareness about HNV issues and was attended by about 100 people. It was a fundamental step in HNV promotion at a time when most stakeholders did not know about the concept. One outcome of the event was a growing realisation that the HNV farming concept could meet the needs of local and regional stakeholders involved in territorial projects dealing with agricultural development and biodiversity. The conference initiated EFNCP activities on HNV Farming in France.
Organising partner
- European Commission (EAFRD),
- French Minister of Environment,
- ENGREF AgroParisTech.
List of participants
- InscritsHVN_Paris2009.xls (19 KB)
- InscritsAtelierHVN.xls (36 KB)