Shepherds in the Romanian Maramures region


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Staff and Board of Directors


  • Guy Beaufoy

    Guy Beaufoy () is the Forum's Policy Manager. His interest in rural-environmental issues in southern Europe began when living in Portugal in the 1980s, followed by an MSc in Rural Resources and Environmental Policy at Wye College (London University). Since then his work has focused on improving the practical integration of environmental concerns into policies affecting rural areas. He has been closely involved in the development of the High Nature Value farming concept since its inception in the early 1990s. Managing a small farm in Spain has brought him into direct contact with the complexities of the CAP and environmental regulations.

  • Caitriona Maher

    Caitriona Maher () did her PhD on the effects of farming practices and flood variables on the plant communities and insect assemblages of the Shannon Callows flood meadows in Ireland. Following this, Caitriona worked with the successful Burren Life Programme in 2013, before beginning work with EFNCP in Ireland as Project manager on the Results-Based Agri-environment Pilot Scheme (RBAPS) project in 2015.

  • John Waldon

    John Waldon () is the HNV Link project Learning Area local coordinator, based in Dartmoor, England. He is currently Chairman of the Dartmoor Commoners’ Council and secretary to the South West Uplands Federation (SWUF) a farmer led initiative to provide a voice for hill farmers in SW England. John is a trustee of the Foundation for Common Land and has provided facilitation to a number of initiatives to improve agri-environment delivery. Prior to working on projects associated with hill farming he worked for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

Two members of the Board of Directors (see below) are also members of EFNCP staff: Gwyn Jones and Karen MacRae.


  • Gwyn Jones

    Gwyn Jones () is the Forum's Chief Executive. Previously a self-employed consultant, he was a farm advisor for 13 years, giving a range of farm business, agri-environment and CAP paperwork advice. His main interest is the interaction of policy measures with socio-economic realities in marginal areas. Gwyn has been a member of the EFNCP Executive Committee since 1997 and has since then been active in organising and fundraising for many workshops, seminars and conferences. At present he is involved in Forum work in the UK and Ireland, with a wider interest in common land issues.

  • Karen MacRae

    Based in Scotland, Karen MacRae () has worked as an independent business consultant and advisor since 2001, assisting many organisations in the Highlands and Islands with management, business, HR and finance issues, carrying out feasibility studies and options appraisals, and running training courses. Karen has undertaken EFNCP’s book-keeping and accounting work and prepared its management accounts since 2005, gradually becoming more involved and taking on more responsibilities. She joined EFNCP’s Board in September 2011, also taking over the duties of Company Secretary.

  • Colin Hindmarch

    Dr Colin Hindmarch () has a background in horticulture, environmental design, strategic planning and ecology. Current concerns include putting the value of ecosystem services at the core of economic planning; developing policies that maintain ecological processes and enhance ‘connectivity’ and safeguard isolated habitats, including those of oceanic islands. This has involved a long-standing, commitment to environmental impact assessment and the development and defence of environmental policy at local, national (UK) and European level through the corresponding institutions.

    As part of this policy work, he has represented several non-government organizations on a number of European Commission committees, including: the Advisory Committee on Agriculture and the Environment; the Biodiversity Strategy Working Group that produced the EU Biodiversity Strategy, and the ad hoc EU Biodiversity Expert Group. His work has also informed Council of Europe thinking on ecological connectivity and championed the need for policy change in European agricultural policy.

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European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Date: 2024/07/27
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