Shepherds in the Romanian Maramures region


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Aims of EFNCP

Pigs in the Extremadura Albinotic donkeys in the Hungarian steppe

EFNCP is the only European organisation focusing on the maintenance of low-intensity livestock farming. This type of farming is widespread on less productive land in many European countries, typically using semi-natural pastures and meadows. It is the most important farming for conserving biodiversity across Europe, and for other environmental services, such as managing water-catchments and preventing wild fires.

Low-intensity livestock farming, and other types of "High Nature Value" farming such as traditional olive groves, face socio-economic decline throughout Europe. But this is not inevitable - for many years these farming systems have been discriminated against by policies such as the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

EFNCP's aim is a viable economic future for High Nature Value farming across Europe. To make this happen, we are working for a wholesale reform of the CAP, with a shift to consistent economic incentives and practical support for High Nature Value farming systems and farmers.

Our network is uniquely positioned to provide a direct link between local projects involving low-intensity farming, and policy-making processes at national and EU levels. To find out how we pursue our aims see What we do.

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European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Date: 2024/09/17
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