HNV Showcases
Change of land-use and landscape structure in Baden-Württemberg
© Images (today): B. Beinlich
The past 100 years have seen most dramatic changes in land-use. Accompanying the switch from threshing with hand flails to the use of enormous combine harvesters, landscape structure and ecological processes have undergone a similar change. The following pictures try and highlight these differences by showing the same areas in Baden-Württemberg at the beginning of the 20th century and in the 1990ies.
Castle Brauneck |
- large area of regularly grazed calcareous grassland – mainly short sward, but different microhabitats present
- many solitary trees, important perching and nesting sites for different bird species (pipits, shrikes etc.)
- coppiced willows in the valley bottom
- grassland habitats completely lost – plantation with coniferous trees dominates
- coppiced willows overgrown by trees
- low habitat diversity = low conservation value
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Kornbühl |
- hill practically without shrubs or trees – open grassland
- meadows bordered by trees and shrubs in foreground
- slopes of hill partly covered with coniferous trees
- transformation of open grassland into juniper heath – still high conservation value but totally different habitat structure and accompanying species
- meadows in foreground converted to arable fields
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Lautertal |
- large (transhumant) sheep flocks – important dispersal vector for seeds and certain animals (snails, grasshoppers)
- calcareous grasslands (Natura-code *6210) and juniper heath (5130) with short sward – optimum conditions for thermophilic species
- habitat continuum exists from slope to valley floor
- habitat management by conservation authorities
- afforestation of dry grasslands
- Natura habitat types (*6210, 5130) threatened by shrub encroachment
- lack of open ground and short sward in dry grassland – lower structural diversity
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Lautertal |
- dry grassland habitat continuum along the lower valley slope
- grassland with substantial proportion of the different habitat types of the Lautertal
- orchards, gardens with stone walls near the village
- afforestation of most grasslands
- isolation and change of habitat structure (shrubs) of remaining grassland
- lack of connectivity with similar sites increases extinction threat for poorly dispersing species
- loss of orchards and gardens (transformation into woodland)
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