HNV Farmland in Maramures (Romania)


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Capacity building visit on common land issues from the UK and Ireland to Spain

April 16th – 20th April 2010

Common land is a widespread feature of those parts of Europe where HNV farming predominates. It poses additional difficulties for farmers, not least in the context of ever more complex regulations and changing CAP support mechanisms.

With funding from the European Commission (DG Environment) and the Foundation for Common Land, the Forum recently organised a study tour for common land practitioners – farmers, community workers, academics - from the UK to Cantabria, Castilla y León and Asturias in northern Spain.

Looking at the problems faced by HNV farming systems there and some of the approaches to solving them, the visit gave an insight into the similarities which underlie superficial differences and highlighted the potential for learning from each other and offering mutual support.

A full report is available: Report on the capacity building visit on common land issues from the UK and Ireland to Spain (May 16th – 20th April 2010)

A photographic record of the trip can be seen at

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European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Date: 2024/12/05
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