Projects of the European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Projects 2006
Title: | Study on the environmental consequences of sheep and goat farming and of the sheep and goat premium system. |
Duration: | 2006 |
Partner: | EFNCP |
Funding: | DG Agriculture |
Web: | Sheepmeat and goatmeat regime report for DG Agri |
This study was led by the Forum and conducted for DG Agriculture. The main aims of this study were to provide:
- a detailed description of EU policies regulating the sheep and goat sector
- a concise overview of this sector in the main producer Member States of the EU
- an outline of the specific environmental impacts arising from from the sheep and goat farming systems themselves and the influence of premium support mechanisms (and the response of farmers) on these environmental impacts.
Title: | High Nature Value farmland - recognising its importance in Bulgaria and Romania. |
Duration: | 2006-08 |
Partner: | WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme |
Funding: | Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries |
Web: | High Nature Value farmlands: Recognizing the European Importance of South-East European landscapes |
This work is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries BBI-MATRA programme. It concerns the organisation of a total of 7 seminars in Bulgaria, Romania and Brussels with the overall aim of illustrating at a local level, for the benefit of both policy makers and farmers, what the HNV farmland concept means on the ground in Bulgaria and Romania and how these might be reflected in policy instruments. The Forum is working in partnership with WWF Danube Carpathian Programme to organise these seminars.
Title: | The economics of pastoralism. |
Duration: | 2006 |
Partner: | EFNCP |
Funding: | IUCN |
Web: | - |
Title: | Review of the literature on Pastoral Economics and Marketing: Europe |
Duration: | 2006 |
Partner: | WISP (World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism) |
Funding: | GEF, UNDP, IUCN |
Web: | europe_reports.pdf |
Title: | Wildlife and Sustainable Farming Initiative within the context of the Birds and Habitats Directives (Natura 2000 network). |
Duration: | 2006-2008 |
Partner: | ATECMA S.L. |
Funding: | DG Environment |
Web: | - |
EFNCP participates as a subcontractor to ATECMA in Spain in an initiative for the European Commission (DG Environment) on Wildlife and Sustainable Farming. This project analyses the actual and potential role of CAP rural development measures for supporting the conservation of wildlife in a selection of farmland, forest and wetland habitats.
Title: | Support to the Elaboration of a National Agri-environment Programme for Turkey. |
Duration: | 2006-2008 |
Partner: | IEEP, Avalon (NL), Bugday (Turkey) |
Funding: | BBI Matra |
Web: | Turkey-agri-environment-and-HNV-farming-report.pdf |
Multi-partner project to incoporate HNV farming into a proposed agri-environment scheme in Turkey. This project is funded by the BBI Matra scheme of the Dutch Government.