Together with cattle & pigs, horses & ponys have played a vital part in the shaping of the New Forest (UK)



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Support for the Federación Estatal de Pastores in Spain

Spain is the country with the largest area of common agricultural land in Europe. This land falls under forest law, whether or not the pastures are wooded. Most of it, though by no means all, is owned by municipalities.

Spanish common pastures are part of a long historical tradition and are an important and integral element in grazing livestock systems in most of the country. They are composed largely of vegetation communities listed in Annex 1 of the Habitats Directive, but are also crucial for other ecosystem services, such as the management of wildfires and soil erosion.

Although they have taken advantage of Leader support to develop some networking activities (Proyecto Pastor), pastoralists in Spain did not until recently have an organisation specifically dedicated to their interests. With DG Env support, EFNCP has given some financial assistance to the founding of a Federación Estatal de Pastores (FEP) – this organisation is now legally established and their website is live.

FEP has been successful in accessing a Leonardo Mobility Grant for a training visit to the UK in 2012; EFNCP is the main UK partner. The project will be reported here.

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European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Date: 2025/02/15
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