Farm visits – to stock breeding areas on the southern Causses
- Le pastoralisme & la préservation des paysages steppiques remarquables et des habitats sensibles des Causses Méridionaux Information provided in the bus during excursion. PDF-file (64.7 KB)
- Logistics of the field visits and links with the rest of the Conference provided on coaches.
- Information provided on coaches on "The Causses Méridionaux, their farming and wildlife SIME & Chambres Agriculture, France".
- Guided by facilitators and the farmers, visits to a sheep farm (transhumant), a milk sheep farm (Roquefort cheese), mixed suckler cow/horse farm. The field visits will also show sites with MAEs (agro environment measures) or on operations developed under LIFE and LEADER.
- Meeting at communal house in le Caylar, Causse du Larzac. Sustainable development of southern Causses by A.C.M "Association des Causses méridionaux".
- Causse de Campestre et Luc: Visit to a Roquefort milk sheep farm and to a suckling cattle – horse farm with reception at the farm.